Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gratitude Journal 12/16

I am so royally mad at HUSBAND i can't stand it... so in an attempt to be in a better mood i am doing 5 things I am thankful for....

1. penguins.. so cute!!! HUSBAND gave me one that lights up for the window in our house.. its adorable!!!

2. cupcakes.. yummy

3. Eli.. the child of my friend and one of my top 3 pple in the world!!! he said "love you" sunday night when I carried him out the the car and it just melted my heart!!! (he is, of course older than this sweet baby)

4. my pink cellie.. it is ADORABLE!!!!

5. my sweet cat Sushi who loves me even though i have banished her to the bathroom right now!!

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