Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Halloween Candle Holder

This is one of the easier (and cheaper) crafts I have done. I cannot tell you where I got this idea. It has been all over the internet. Just know this was not my orginal idea. Start with these things:


I got everything but my glue gun at dollar tree. I would have picked up enough for two but they only had one of those tall glass candle holders and I didn't like the look of the others they had.

Just glue the tall cylinder candle holder to the other candle holder. I have read that using hot glue to do this does not make it permanent so if you have little ones around keep an eye out for it coming loose. My little one is not mobile yet so it has not been an issue.

Then just pour the skeletons into it. It probably could use another bag here but the skeletons are a little more morbid than I like to go with Halloween. In fact, I might make these purple and sparkly eventually because that would match the rest of my decor LOL.


TADA!!!!! I thought I took a picture of this with the rest of my decorations but I didn't... so imagine that here...

P.S. Please ignore the paper plate.. that is what I rest my glue gun on.. fancy I know..

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