Thursday, March 5, 2009

Things I love Thursday - - OPKs


One of my favorite things is OPK. Otherwise known as "Other Poeple's Kids." I think they are great!!!! You get all the fun things that come with kids but you don't get all the yucky stuff.

You get to buy them things, they think you are great, and they give you kisses. But when don't see them when they are sick, you don't have to clean it up when they get sick, and you don't (usually) have to clean up their messy diapers!!! It is awesome!

I love buying things for my little spoil babies. Things that are loud and make lots of repetive noises. Again because they are not my kids I don't have to hear it for hours and hours. When it starts to get on my nerves I just pass them back to their mommies. Their mommies of course love me for spoiling their kids.

Here are a few of my favorite OPKs:

E and


E and M



janetfaye said...

LOL that is why I love being a Grammy!

Anonymous said...

You my dear are hilarious! I love OPK's too. Mine I just to deal with! LOL! Just kiddin, I love my kids dearly :)

Heidi Boos said...

That's so cute! Before we had kids, I was always offering to watch my nephew or my friends' kids. There's just something so fun about spoiling them. ;)

Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning!

Kaycee said...

Cute! I can't wait for nieces and nephews. Mine are both boys, so I especially love to spoil little girls.

thediaperdiaries said...

That is soo true. And those kids are cuties!!